When you marry, you cede some of the control of your financial situation to your spouse, and misspending on their part can leave you both struggling financially. Or, at the very least, it can leave you financially worse off than you feel you should be.
Incongruencies in attitudes toward money can often end in divorce. Here are some of the reasons why:
One party decides to cut ties to save their financial future
Arguments over money can lead to secrecy and feelings of betrayal
Perhaps the free-spending partner hates being made to feel guilty every time they open their wallet. They may start spending in secret to avoid problems. When their more thrifty spouse discovers unexplained withdrawals, unnecessary purchases or undisclosed loans or credit cards, they may consider that trust has left their marriage.
In addition, the spouse doing the criticizing may also start spending in secret, feeling they can no longer treat themselves occasionally because their spouse will accuse them of hypocrisy.
These complex financial undertones can spell doom for a marriage. If they resonate with your situation, it might be time to explore your options for ending the marriage and regaining control of your finances.